We decided to write this blog as a way of sharing some of our stories from past experiences fishing, tying flies, guiding, and traveling. Most of which are completely 100% true except for the names of people, some stories are slightly embellished and some are mostly made up. It's really for you to figure it out and for us to have some fun writing down some of the truly good memories we have had while immersed in fly fishing.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Eric Norman Stepping up!

Eric Norman caught this 17 inch brown on Penns Creek this past week. He made a specific point in his submission to mention that Harry Tomlin is now officially behind him in pic submissions again. Haha let the rivalry continue! 

"This brown was caught on a caddis! Mayflies are for sissies!! Hope you are doing well in the Sunshine State. Nice blog and while you are missed in the shop you aren't missing much except for some stellar fishing... Oh and thanks for reiterating what a great pattern the pheasant tail is. I got away from it but you brought me back to reality!"

Well thanks again Eric! Keep the pics coming, keep hammering big fish, and we will keep posting them! 

1 comment:

  1. Eric may claim that fish was caught on a caddis but i suspect it was the INSF dropper behind that caddis that did the deed. (INSF Improved Norman Secret Fly). Hope all is going well down there not to worry the game is on now.

