We decided to write this blog as a way of sharing some of our stories from past experiences fishing, tying flies, guiding, and traveling. Most of which are completely 100% true except for the names of people, some stories are slightly embellished and some are mostly made up. It's really for you to figure it out and for us to have some fun writing down some of the truly good memories we have had while immersed in fly fishing.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

"Treat" of the Week

I don't know what spawned this memory in my mind, but I knew I had to write it all down... 

I guess I was thinking about South America and the clients and the people when all of a sudden this group of 6 anglers popped into my head. All 6 were together, they were from different parts of California and all doctors, either M.D. or Ph.D. One of them was the head of the university of California I believe. Anyway that stuff isn't important, what is important is how bad they were at fly fishing. 

These six guys all obviously come from a lot of money so they are used to people giving them things. Well the fix down in patagonia don't care how much you make, they care about how well you can cast. Well the truth of the matter is only one of these guys had ever hulled, and 3 of them couldn't cast past the oars of the boat. One guy went as far as to trail his fly off the back of the boat for most of the float down the river... What's worse is these guys expected to be catching fish. I was literally changing up their flies every 15 minutes because "this must not be what they want.." Meanwhile, I'm thinking if you could cast more than 10 feet maybe you would catch a fish or two. 

I was coming fresh from Alaska, where the worst anglers catch fish because the fishery is incredible and the fish are hungry. In Patagonia, you have to actually have some skills to throw 30-40 feet in wind. It wasn't the case for these guys and because of it they left averaging about a fish/ person/ day... Imagine that, 8 hours of floating, knowing there are so many fish out there to be had, and netting 2 fish a day. Bliss....

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